Monday, March 15, 2010

Healthy gluten-free crackers

Gluten-Free snack crackers made from chickpea, green and red lentil, yellow pea and pinto and navy bean flours are both healthy and tasty, according to a report published in Food Research International.

Researchers at a Canadian food processing development center saw "untapped potential in consumer appeal and health benefits" when these ingredients, called pulses, are used, according to Food Navigator.

The researchers said pulses contain: complex carbohydrates -including dietary fiber, high protein, B-vitamins, folates, iron, antioxidants and polyphenols.

As a result of the study, the chickpea cracker formulation will be tested in a commercial-scale processing trial.

The researchers did note that the market for gluten-free crackers is getting saturated, but argued there is still room for products that are nutrient rich.

I would agree. Anytime there is growth in the number of healthy gluten-free options, it's good for everyone who is gluten free.

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