Friday, March 27, 2009

Gluten-free cookie dough raises funds

For years my kids sold Joe Corbi's pizza as a fund raiser for everything from band to sports teams.
I never expected to see anything gluten-free in the sales catalog, which lists everything from pizza to cookie dough to churros, pies and even pumpkin roll.
So I was intrigued when I saw notice of the upcoming Maryland celiac support group meeting that is going to feature gluten-free chocolate chip cookies from Joe Corbi's.
I sent off a quick note to Carolyn Evans, a member of the group, to double check that I was reading it correctly. And lo and behold, she got back to me and said I was. The Grandma Corbi's dough comes in a pail and you just scoop out the amount you want to bake.
I don't know how long the fund-raising company has been offering this product --it's Friday evening and there's no one at the company to call and ask. But I wanted to spread the word to anyone like me who didn't know about it.
I've bought so many things for fund raisers over the years that my daughter Amanda, who has celiac disease could not eat. That includes Girl Scout cookies that Amanda sold for her Daisy and Brownie troops.
So I really like the idea that I can both support the local baseball, basketball or dance team and buy something that is safe for everyone in my family to eat. Way to go Joe!



Maureen "Hold The Gluten" said...

This is fabulous news - thanks for sharing! Hooray for Joe Corbi's!

Amy said...

Ironically, my son, the last one at home, has brought other fund raisers this year, but not Joe Corbi.
Still, I'm ready to order when he does!

Missy said...

We have just introduced the gluten-free cookie dough this year and will be at the Baltimore Celiac walk on Sunday May 3 with samples and tubs for sale. The tubs are being sold for a special price of $10.00 with 1/2 of the proceeds being donated to the Center for Celiac Research. Please come see us if you are there. YOu can also order the cookie dough online at Thanks for the mention!! LuAnn Baughman Office Manager Joe Corbi's Wholesale Pizza, Inc.