
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Gluten-Free Living on Pinterest!

The spice of life is continual learning, trying new things and being open minded to different experiences.  And so it goes with my introduction to Pinterest.

I’ve learned how to blog, post and tweet, but things move and evolve in the blink of an eye and I was asked to leap into Pinterest…this is what my desk looks like.  I am busy!!!!  Now I have to snap photos of my gluten-free food and find links and cool pictures and tweet it out AND have a contest? 

But, here is what happened…I LOVE Pinterest!  For a visual and creative person, this is the coolest social media tool ever.  It goes beyond eye candy; this is a sea of creativity. 

Through our inaugural Pinterest lunch box contest, I learned that a cucumber could be a vehicle for a “cucumber hero” sandwich.  Or that a muffin tin is a great place to make pizza muffins, which is the perfect portion size for a lunch box.  I learned that there are a lot of people who are taking waste free lunches very seriously and are literally creating GF bento style box lunches for their kids every single day.  
I saw gluten-free bread creations that went well beyond cutting off the crusts…there were owl, flower and house shaped sandwiches. 

This is a place that is teaming with fantastic, original and completely helpful ideas.  I am so grateful that our contest entrants shared their lunch box ideas with Gluten-Free Living. 
Pinterest is a place where mom and dad-preneurs who think up something really fun for their gluten-free kids can share their idea so that others don’t have to reinvent the wheel.   This might be the place for creative chefs to get the next great business idea!  Maybe this will inspire a child to take matters into his or her own hands and create something original and gluten-free.

That is my hope, I would love our Gluten-Free Living Pinterest boards become a place for sharing inventive ways of preparing gluten-free food.  To that end, we will invite guest pinners who will share their great ideas and recipes.   We will also run contests on monthly basis using a special theme for the season.

October is a huge apple harvesting month, how many people go apple picking this time of year?   Contest instructions will follow in the next blog, but start thinking about great apple ideas…apple cider toddies, apple cinnamon tarts, muffins, pies, cakes, baked apples, apples in a savory dish…
Please join our Gluten-Free Living Pinterest community!  Contest winners will receive a one year complimentary subscription to Gluten-Free Living magazine.

Kendall Egan 

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