
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Gluten-Free Pancakes

This morning I nearly missed an important meeting because I was making pancakes! It is spring break so our mornings have been nice and lazy. Luckily, I checked my blackberry fifteen minutes before the meeting was supposed to start and quickly responded that I was available.

I did have to wash the maple syrup off my hands and waddle upstairs to my office after stuffing my face with a stack of delicious gluten-free pancakes before settling in to discuss some upcoming features here at Gluten-Free Living (stay tuned…exciting stuff on the horizon).

During busy school mornings I tend to forget things like pancakes as a breakfast option, my kids leave the house by 7:30 am. Often during the school week, pancakes become a quick dinner option if we have an evening filled with practices or events. There is a huge selection of gluten-free pancake mixes and all of them are quick and easy to make. The good news is that most of them are so delicious that everyone eats the gluten-free variety so I don’t have to dirty two bowls with a GF and a non GF batter.

I like my pancakes with blueberries and real maple syrup. One son likes chocolate chips and no maple syrup. My celiac drowns his pancakes in maple syrup. One daughter likes bananas in her pancakes and the last daughter will go with the flow on whatever is being served. That customization is a very nice feature of pancakes.

What I should do during the school year is make the batter the night before and just have the add-ins ready to go. In the morning I could put the batter on the counter, fire up the burners and get the double burner griddle pan hot and ready. I can get eight pancakes going and then each kid could personalize with fruit or chocolate chips before the pancakes get flipped.

If I could just fix the pancake to maple syrup ratio for my celiac, I would consider this a viable and healthy breakfast option on a weekly basis!

Kendall Egan


  1. My son likes chocolate chips in his pancakes too. Seems more like dessert to me.

  2. So far the only GF pancake batter I've tried is GF Bisquick, but the reason it's the only one I've tried is because I really like it and didn't find a reason to go looking for another. I've tried it as pancakes, waffles & I used it as an ingredient in corn dog batter - all tasty :)
    I like to put lemon butter & strawberries on top.

  3. It bother's me a bit that you refer to your child as a "my celiac". He/she (sorry not sure which) is a person first. No one wants to be defined by their disease. He/she is a child that happens to have celiac disease. I'm sure you don't mean anything by it, but I just wanted to give you a thought to ponder. Don't get me wrong, I do reading your blog! Thanks for sharing all your great ideas!

  4. We love the GF Bisquick pancakes. We add vanilla to all our pancakes. Yummy! We also learned a trick from Cynthia Kupper director of Gluten Intolerance Group of North America, to add club soda to your mix and it makes those pancakes very light and airy. Have you tried the new line of King Arthurs GF line? WONDERFUL!

  5. I use the pancake recipe from the amazing @elizbarbone. The recipe originally appears in her book, but here's a link she posted...
    I make extras and freeze them. That way, there are pancakes anytime The Kid wants them. 30 sec/side in the microwave, some butter, powdered sugar and you'd never know they weren't "fresh."

  6. I make gf pancakes and waffles ahead of time, 1-2 packages at once, then freeze them to eat in the office. Pancakes reheat in the microwave, and the waffles in the toaster. Its AWESOME!
