It’s 4:15pm on Friday and it is raining AGAIN. We have had a fairly gorgeous July, but we were supposed to go to a luau tonight on the beach for cocktails, BBQ and fireworks. So the rain out, coupled with the new dishwasher sitting in my living room to be installed on Monday because the old one went KA-PUT and the fact that I discovered my refrigerator leaking water this morning is making me exceedingly cranky.
However, today I was working on New for You, the section in our magazine that features new products to market for the gluten-free consumer and I’ve got to say that I am so pumped by what is new! Several times, as I read press releases, tasted samples or browsed through the websites, I found myself saying “that is a really cool idea.”
There are so many new things out there that we here at Gluten-Free Living have to break things down into new categories like—food, services, travel, books and more.
So since it is all hellfire and brimstone outside, maybe I’ll just sit on my computer and keep discovering new things in celiac-land. Come to think of it, it’s 5pm somewhere, maybe I’ll just crack open a bottle of gluten-free beer too. I have four different beers to choose from in my leaky fridge.
Kendall Egan
Well, enjoy the beer. I don't care for beer myself but it is certainly great that we have more and more things to look foward to that are making being gluten free easier.
ReplyDeleteI am really happy to see gluten-free becoming more high profile in US society, but am also concerned that it's going to be hyped as the next fad (remember "low carb" being put on lots of food labels). I also have seen an uptick in the word gluten being used by various comedians, with varying degrees of accuracy. I guess there is no way to win!