
Thursday, April 16, 2009

Gluten-Free Comfort Food

I am on the Board of Education in my town and on this past Tuesday we had a rough meeting. To make the long story short, I arrived home exhausted at 1am.

The next morning I went to a ballet class right after school drop off to “decompress.” But, the teacher is somewhat fussy and demanding, and it just wasn’t the stress reducing experience that I was hoping for.

I always stack my post-meeting Wednesday’s with somewhat easy tasks because I need my sleep and I am borderline dysfunctional without it. So I spent the day analyzing web metrics, circulation reports and searching for images for the next cover of Gluten-Free Living.

I won’t tell you what the cover will look like, but I got really hungry looking at images! Around 4pm, I hit that wall…the point where I either must caffeinate my body or try to power through with a carbohydrate snack. I chose to shove my face full of cookies.

At that moment I remembered that the Business Official of my district has offered to stop by The Three Dogs Bakery on her way in to work to pick up gluten free stuff if I wanted to peruse the website and put in an order. I flipped her an email explaining that ballet had just not done it for me today and that I would have preferred “diving headlong into a box of high calorie confections” and that I wanted to put in an order.

Today I got a call telling me that she had stopped and picked out a bag full of stuff that looked good to her. I skipped my toast that I had burnt in the toaster and went to a meeting hungry. After that, I stopped by the office to grab my gluten-free, baked good booty and settle up.

I just melted a tablespoon of butter and fried up a blueberry muffin and it was de-lish! I know that I’m supposed to eat because I’m hungry, but sometimes you just need comfort food. Sometimes that warm chocolate chip cookie and ice-y cold milk is just the right thing for what ails you. It’s so exciting to me that there are gluten-free bakeries springing up all over the country to supply celiacs with much needed comfort food.

Kendall Egan

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