I made meatloaf for dinner. Paired with steak fries and a robust red wine, it is always a winner, savory and simple. Who knew it would invite a discussion into gluten cheating?
My celiac was tucking into his third helping of meatloaf (he's a growing boy, it's ok). I casually mentioned that he shouldn't order meatloaf in a restaurant because there are bread crumbs in meatloaf.
The conversation went something like this:
Celiac "So, am I always going to have this?"
Mom "Yes, maybe someone will invent a cure but count on always having it."
Celiac "But sometimes, you just want to try something like a Goldfish or a Cheese Nip."
Mom "Oh, really? Have you been eating Goldfish or Cheese Nips?" (Dramatic insight on Mom's brain-beneath the calm voice, I am FREAKING OUT that he has been scarfing contraband behind my back)
Celiac "When I was in second grade we were all in this classroom watching a movie and we had popcorn and Cheese Nips passed around. I wanted to try the Cheese Nips and you know, they were really good."
Mom "I know they are really good, I miss them."
I determined that it was a one time offense, and that he wasn't really eating gluten containing crackers behind my back. I only gave him a mini-talk about the long term health affects of eating Cheese Nips.
One day at a time. Beer, pizza, adolescence and peer pressure are the real challenges and they are blissfully a few years away with this one.
Kendall Egan
Just wanted to chime in. Humans in general, whether you have celiacs or not are better off without gluten. The best youtube video/inteview/doctor I've found on this subject has a kick arse video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvK9KZy1xaw